Dinner and a movie is common and forgettable if you're trying to make a good impression. On average women like a man who comes across as interesting and I suspect that the same applies to men. But we are talking about a first 'date' and there is a lot at stake. How do you make a good first impression without risking it all - he/she may not meet with expectations and you don't want to be stuck with a big bill for a failed evening. In addition there is physiology... Certain hormones can make you more attractive - so how do we induce those hormones?
My suggestion... Ice skating. Unless either of you has a physical impediment or (most likely she) really, really doesn't like physical activity it is a great idea. If one of you is an expert then they can teach the other. If neither if you know how to skate then you can learn together. Physical contact is part of the experience (holding hands) but is non sexual so is "allowable". Generally there are other people around and the location is safe. Falling is considered part of learning and also an excuse for more physical contact. The exercise promotes the generation of endorphins which enhances the feeling of pleasure and you'll have something to discuss over coffee / dinner / drinks later and possibly a great story to tell at your wedding about your first date :)
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